About 365 Noir

Welcome to 365 Noir.  Vickie Lyons established 365 Noir in the beginning of 2022 as one of her foundational pillars of generational wealth.  It is my intent to establish generational wealth for my family while simultaneously being able to provide employment opportunities in my community.  I selected e-commerce because I can navigate the complexities of this industry while still maintaining a traditional career. 

We are an e-commerce selfcare & lifestyle brand.  Our mission is to empower individuals to prioritize their self-care and wellness through our curated selection of high-quality, sustainable, and thoughtfully designed products. We aim to enhance our customers' daily routines and create a community that values self-love and self-discovery, by promoting a comprehensive approach to wellness and offering a seamless online shopping experience.  We strive to be a trusted and reliable partner in our customers' journeys towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.    

We will stay abreast of the latest trends and offer products that align with our vision and values.  My vision is that my children’s children will benefit from 365 Noir, in addition to establishing resources for my community.  One of my core values for 365 Noir is Service.  I commit to providing superior customer service so that your experiences at 365 Noir continue to be positive.

Our customers’ interest is important, and our product selections are made with you in mind.  We hope to have you as long-term customers.  Happy shopping!!!